1. Student cannot seek admission to higher course part term on basis of result information displayed.
2. These marks/Grades and result information must not be treated as final or valid Statement of Marks.
3. The information given here may vary from actual result, do not consider this as final.
4. This should only be treated as a tool to provide information to you conveniently.
5. In case of any query, please contact university authorities for further clarifications.
6. Programme Result means Overall result of the entire Programme (e.g. BA, BCOM, BSC, BE, LLB, etc...). Program Result is displayed in Last semester Term / Part level result.
7. Part Result (OR Year-end Result) means the result status at the end of a particular year. (i.e. the First year or Second year or Third year - as applicable.)
8. Term Result (Semester-end Result) means the result status at the end of a particular semester. (i.e. FSBA-I/II/III or SSBA-I/II/III, FSBCOM-I/II/III or SSBCOM-I/II/III etc...)
9. Any verifying agency/institute seeking verification of mark-sheets of those students having 16 digit Permanent Registration Number (PRN), are requested to visit https://nmujapp.digitaluniversity.ac/ and follow the link Results > Exam Event (As available on the mark-sheet to be verified) > Enter 16 digit PRN mentioned on mark-sheet, and get the desired verification.
10. Online applications for Re-checking, Re-assessment, Inspection of answer-book(s) and Procuring certified copy of answer-book(s) shall be made by the student through his/her e-suvidha account within stipulated time-period prescribed in rule. Those application(s) received after the expiry of the stipulated period will not be entertained.